Saturday, September 02, 2006

Why, a blog!

After months of fits and starts, finally there's rain. Its been pouring since yesterday, and happily there seem to be no signs of the clouds letting up. I was wandering the streets of south Delhi looking for a place to go, and all I got was sweet showers. On days like these, it seems hard to imagine that the sun exists. And what joy. Big fat drops, splattering all, visibility nil. If you're in an auto, all that you can do is to maneouver the best you can so that some fucker in a car doesn't splash you.
But anyways, it was the driving rain that finally forced me to find shelter in my good old C R Park internet parlour. Now that I'm here, and have checked my non-existant mail, I guess I'll update my poor blog. Its sad to watch a blog fall into disrepair. After a while, you sign in and wonder what to write about. Mostly you can't be bothered. When you CAN, you try and write something...some sad story or the other...and you publish. Then you check it and find out that its horrible and full of grammatical and spelling mistakes. So you feel inadequate and delete it...and its sometime before you look at your blog again.
Yesterday, I spent a most weird day at the railway station. Due to unforseen circumstances, me and my friend Dhruba reached the station at 8 am. His train, incidentally was at 4 :30 pm!! Don't ask why. That'll be another story.


Soubhik Niyogy said...


Ooh, I love stories!

Tell, tell...

Anonymous said...

ya.. tell us another sad story while you sit on ur sorry wet ass in an internet parlour!

Harman said...

internet parlour! hehhehe. yes, blog writing... im highly insecure about it these days.