Monday, January 29, 2007


This empty season the cold is gone.
Mist walks the streets, I follow a wraith, unconnected, passing through.
Passing through?
Lucky people play a game of chance, warming the winter sun with smiles the size of kings.
Holy water sprinkles the air, clothes and eyes get damp, time to kill,
Why won't time be killed?
Phones ring in houses, in hands, in pockets, inside a dog's mouth.
Callers end with lover's greetings, promising the end of another long night
And the cold stays gone, breathing gently in dusty forests, as taillit jackets flash close.
In this city there're wraiths walking, sometimes in the alley, or riding a horse, or walking two dogs.
What will be the endgame?
Down in a well in the east, seven seconds of sunlight blind a broken man
It blinds him still, till he awakes and sees the dark, cold as labyrinths of the nameless ones.
I met a man of magic, a scar across his face.
A scar a scar a scar a scar
He noted he had walked quite far, from the ghost of Sesquehana to the bums of Times Square.
Once there were bums, and jazz and solitary jungle moaners in a dream of rainbows.
Now there are wraiths in a city, passing through like summer lightning
With marks on their faces or long black tails that bend easily.
Where is the fever? The cold fever of the biting wind?
Who knows where is the other life.


Anonymous said...

after the longest time, something like this has come outta you. something that made the head go still and i wanted to read on. you're back i think.

Anonymous said...

Wraiths passing through, passing through winter chills, winter chills not lingering, a smile that lingers is not like the winter chill...

Beq said...

Thank you anon1. You're too kind.
Anon2: A lingering smile. That's enough I think

G! said...

you might have noticed that i refrained from commenting earlier. that's because i have extraordinary restraint and a sense of humor too. which is why you should visit my blog, to see the tag you're gonna fill out next :)

G! said...

you thod. go copy all that crap ('cept my intro) and then fill it out yourself!

Anonymous said...

reading this makes me think of Kerouac on the brink of another journey. Shanding on Times Square in the winter chill and dreaming of Frisco away across the continent, the jazz parlors and the roar of the Pacific...

Beq said...

I demand you reveal yourself anon! Kerouac indeed. I'm honoured :)